Opt-out System by QR code

Opt-out system by QR code for direct mailing

Opt-out System by QR code




 Opt-out system for Direct Mailing with the use of QR code

“QR code” is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.  


  • Use of QR code for recipients of direct mail to request for opt-outs just by two steps: 
    1st: To read the QR code printed on the envelope by their smartphone
    2nd: To click the send-button appeared on the screen


  • Generate a QR code for each record (recipient) to print on the envelope
  • Recipients who do not want to receive direct mail can ask for opt-out by reading the QR code printed on the envelope by their smartphone and just clicking the send-button.  
  • Recipients do not need to fill out the form.  What they have to do is to read the QR code and push the send-button.  


  1. Initial Set-up Fee
  2. Maintenance Fee per campaign
  3. QR code Append Fee

The service fee consists of the above three items.  Our service fee is very competitive.  Please feel free to request a cost estimate.